Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Operation Westward Expansion Days 1&2

Day 1: Springfield to Roanoke

I knew it would be hard to leave home. I have spent the last year and a half deeply immersed in family and new community.  I just didn't imagine it would feel this hard. Like a ripping through my heart, or severe indigestion...you pick.  My parents stood in the driveway waving as I drove off, I would be lying to say that my eyes were completely dry for the duration of my drive down I-81.

But tired and worn I met old college buddies, Ken and Jenny and their baby gal, Gabby for some Mexican!  Most of our time was spent standing in the parking lot afterwards, eating pretzel m&ms and watching a rainbow as it moved across the sky with a passing storm over the Roanoke Valley.

I arrived at PJ's to road plans mapping out the drive, in addition to all the possible tourist traps we can stop at and see along the way....I am so excited!!! Literally perfect! And with  a message of a place to stay until I find permanent lodgings... everything looks a bit rosier... a little movement and space and the ball starts rolling...

Day 2: Ferrum and Blacksburg

Today's journey took me down to Ferrum, my alma mater. I had in my possession a hymnal I borrowed from the chapel while a student which I had never returned. Despite suggestions and my own thoughts to mail it, it felt really important that I physically take the book back. So off I drove, and off I walked finding all the people I wanted to talk with deeply entrenched in meetings for the morning.  I opened the door of the chapel to hear singing and loud music. It immediately clicked that this was probably the current praise band practicing the week before classes. What else was there to do but settle in and listen and as soon as they reached a stopping point I was up to introduce myself, learn about them, and sing a bit with them...which they encouragingly allowed... yay!!! The chaplain stopped by and so it was one great big friend-making/catch up session, of which I am quite dearly a fan of.

Lunch and catch up with fantastic friends and professors.... I finally caught an image of myself...coming in every few months a whirlwind of energy and new plans and schemes, just as quickly gone and moving on.

I spent the evening in the VA tech studios again, this time being brave and just recording some original stuff...getting used to what it sounds like not just coming from my mouth and exploring this whole land of audio.  Thanks to Brad, you are awesome!

I didn't think much about the next band coming in to record and use the studio space unloading the car parked next to mine until one of them said, "It looks like you are about to go a long way."  To which I replied, "Well since you commented, I am, all the way to Colorado." Then commenced a conversation with four VA Tech students about what I was doing and why I was going which ended in a request by Matt (I finally asked names), to hear me sing.  I couldn't for the life of me even think of a song which prompted him to sing a little gospel first and then wait for me.... then one of other guys piped up, "some Kelly Clarkson." That was all I needed to spin off into the chorus of "Since You've Been Gone".  Then the guys couldn't help but sing along and we ended the conversation on a laughing note and their well wishes for a safe journey.

Yep, singing with strangers...I feel ready for some Colorado climate, bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. man, hardly even gone and such GOOD stories and warm memories. Safe travels!!


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