Monday, February 7, 2011

First Fridays: Santa Fe Art Walk

Even in the bitter cold of winter, the first Friday of the month brings a culturally and artistically stimulating evening of an art walk in the Santa Fe Art District in Denver. Crystal and I found ourselves meandering in and out of galleries and working studios looking at various media forms and artistic expressions. The first gallery we entered was dimly lit and outfitted to be an underwater odyssey complete with paper mache and fabric creatures and a woman in the middle dressed as an octopus.
In my opinion the most worthwhile galleries were located either up or down a flight of stairs...maybe because you had to figure out whether the "Closed" sign as the name of the gallery or if in fact it was closed (it was the name of a gallery which was open :o). But we heard tales of ghosts in one attic working studio, and pattered about paleontology in a basement.
I love art...I know almost less than nothing about it, but I do know in college my artistic friends would always prance down the hall to hear my squeals of delight at whatever they had created...which was always awesome and far beyond my own capabilities.  Enticed by one sign that claimed an interactive gallery, we luckily read the small print that explained a nude portrait in session before passing the curtain....a little too artistic for our tastes... :o)

The night also brought it's own cast of characters.  I seem to have some sort of special superhero power that lets people know they can ask me things, or make remarks.  We stepped in to one little gallery thinking that something cool was inside purely based on the number of people crammed in. Upon working our way through the crowd, we realized it was only some sort of fundraiser and so we tried to slip back out. Crystal made it out, but I was caught in a discussion of the popularity of poetry in America.  A slightly inebriated fellow was trying to explain to his European friend that poetry wasn't popular, but unfortunately any question he asked me was not prefaced by this and I only proved to undermine his points.  Sorry that I like poetry and can name contemporary poets???
Walking down Santa Fe, I was introduced to Capoeira, a brazilian combination of martial arts, dance, gymnastic moves.  Really it looks like two people cartwheeling in slow motion around each other, while other people sing call and response songs to the beat of a drum.  Fascinating to watch, but not on my list of things to do anytime soon.

The only other offbeat thing to happen was in one of our last galleries to visit. A guy came literally running over to us to say to me, "Your hair is AMAZING! That's your compliment of the night." He then noticed Crystal beside me and said to her, "I mean your hair is all right, but," as he turned back to me, "Yours is amazing!" It reminds me of the time I was walking the streets of DC to grab coffee from Starbucks when a man nonchalantly passed by to say, "Hey, nice assortment of mini clips."
This was brilliance....mozarella sticks ON a grilled cheese sandwich paired with onion rings for ONLY $4!  Denny's is late night magic in Denver, and while I can safely say I will never order this was amazingness to eat.

This was only my third time to Denver. Not sure why I haven't made an effort to take more trips up there...oh wait, I like to do things that are free...:o)

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