Monday, August 29, 2011

The Nomadic Life

I am very happy to say that the more often I move from place to place and pack/unpack my car, the more efficient and simplified I am getting.  Eighty percent of everything that I own or have fits in the green bullet, and what hasn't fit, is only because I've been holding onto a bed, dishes, scrapbooks, and a couple of pieces of furniture in hopes that one day I will once again have my own home to put them back into.  But for now my bed is being borrowed by my sister, and my few apartment accessories either grace the shed at Colonial Beach, or are boxed up in the attic least I'm not paying for storage somewhere. :o)

Some interesting tidbits I've learned in the last week:

If you are housesitting and you need to iron something (well, I didn't NEED to iron anything, but I had some fabric and had gotten really inspired by this japanese quilting book and just HAD to try cutting up some pieces for patchwork) and you happen to break the ironing's best just to leave it out in the open and declare it the only casualty of the week.... I mean, next to the dogs being alive and happy and the house still standing despite earthquakes, it looks like nothing went wrong....

If you also happen to be doing your first seminar ever and you have the brilliant idea to do a handout....but the printer you have been carrying in your trunk is on the fritz and won't connect to the computer unless both are online, you may have to go down to someplace where you have connections, like the neighborhood museum, to print your initial copy and then head over to Staples to make copies for the seminar.... got to love Franconia!

And if your parents happen to be in the process of selling the family home, try to spend as little time there as possible... your dinner may be delayed an hour and a half as your dad chats with some gutter estimate man about local sports.....and sounds will echo with the empty rooms and sooner or later it will hit you that you no longer have that home to come back to...bittersweet.

Maybe sometime I'll take this topic more seriously and post about how I keep my life organized in the green bullet...but that is saying that I am actually organized.....

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