Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I have really fallen off the blogging bandwagon! But it's ok, I've got pics uploaded and ready to go once the words are added... minor detail.  Thanksgiving was a bit of panic mode for me, the first major holiday away from the family where mostly the only course is to sit at another family's table and pine away for the ones back home.  I decided that wasn't for me and ended up in movement all day...other than a couple of quick calls home I didn't have much time to dwell on where I wanted to be.

Darci and I started the day with the Salvation Army, delivering several meals to a family with a sparsely furnished apartment (i.e. one couch, no kitchen table), and to a lonely older lady in a sweet ride of a scooter chair. She invited us right in and enveloped us both in big hugs at the same time!  Volunteering also meant getting to eat some turkey and stuffing which was yummy!
Our afternoon was spent at Yobel Market, an awesome fair trade store in Old Colorado City. Julie was decorating for Christmas, and so we pitched in, hanging lights, commandeering branches from out back, and otherwise participating in holiday fun!

We got back to black forest just in time to shower and make mashed potatoes before heading to a rather large community thanksgiving dinner held at Casa Boncha (so called because Joe Boncha owns it). It's a house of five, six guys? that hold a weekly pancake breakfast on Sunday mornings, and a few who partake in tuesday night dinners that I go to. There were probably thirty some young adults there, lots of food and revelry!

We did have some amazing cooks... including our turkeys cooked by a Garden of the Gods gourmet chef! I heart amy pontius!
And we didn't leave much behind....
Such a good day with good folks and adventures.  Gives me hope that if I eventually don't end up back home, holidays are survivable...BUT I am excited to go home for Christmas!!!!! At least this year I don't have to give that up too...:o)

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