Saturday, September 25, 2010

McAllister House Museum

Museum Day 2010 was today!!!! Participating museums all around the country were free with a coupon printed off.  Yesterday, Ryan, Darci, and I went to the World Figure Skating Museum and Hall of Fame, but I'll post those pics later on...they were free yesterday (friday) since they aren't open on Saturdays.

But today, I ventured out alone, a definite first since being in the Springs.  I headed to the McAllister House, built by Henry McAllister, the first substantial home to be built in the Springs in 1873.  The walls are three bricks thick, based on their fear of the strong wind storms that knocked a train off the tracks while they were there.  The Mcallisters were a kind, sociable, comfortable but not lavish, Quaker family.  Their home is beautiful and filled with lots of original pieces despite the fact that the house was rented out in the 1920's before being bought and turned into a museum.

It's a quaint stop on the history tour of the Springs, certainly not in high demand, which is awesome because I got a personal tour and could ask all the questions I wanted and get to know the docents a bit better.  I love the feel of local history, roots that exist long before any of us here did, and the people that are passionate about sharing it!

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