Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Prairie Dog Town aka 6 Legged Cow-ville

Real Prairie Dog
World's Largest Prairie Dog
Also in Oakley, Kansas is a sweet little tourist trap by the name of Prairie Dog Town.  It has invested in wood painted signs all along I-70, trumpeting the glory and wonder of six legged cows, prairie dogs, foxes, coyotes, and more.  When we first arrived, the place was closed for lunch, so we headed over to the Colonial Steakhouse for a bit before coming back to see what adventure we could find.

Walking in to the small warehouse filled with stuffed dead animals and gift shop trinkets, we were welcomed by the owner of the place, charged $7.50 (we had picked up a coupon at the Buffalo Bill Cabin for a dollar off), and handed a small bag of dog treats with the simple instructions, "you can feed anything but the rattlesnakes." Quite comforting let me tell you.

The couple of acre fenced lot is full of various animals, and built on top of a prairie dog village. The prairie dogs run from hole to hole, only stopping to assess whether you have any treats to throw, before disappearing back beneath the earth.  Also comforting to be later told by bad intentioned friends that prairie dogs are the last known carriers of the bubonic plague.
Little Lake for ducks and geese

Regular Cows

Poor regular cows, without extra legs... they were cute though!

This donkey was my best friend, other than the goats, he's the only one who has the whole treat thing figured out... conned almost all of mine out of me!
Five legged Cow
One might feel bad for these cows with extra legs growing out of their shoulders.. but they pretty much act like any other cow... just standing there.... looking grotesquely awesome
Six legged Cow
Definitely worth checking out if you are ever driving I-70 across Kansas!


  1. Poor cow! It's like the ugly duckling! Please tell me your mother read that book to you as a child!!

  2. Isn't it awesome! at least these guys got to live to adulthood... the two calf that I saw at the wonder tower.... not so much


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