Sunday, September 26, 2010

One Month Since I Left Virginia

It has only been three weeks since I have settled into the Eastern side of Colorado Springs,... really?  The days and evenings are filled with new things and new people...I actually spent yesterday by myself, a first since leaving home...and even then I passed up a couple of opportunities to just quiet my soul from the constant stimulation (I think I have the brain capacity of a two year old).

I am living in a beautiful place.  I don't think I anticipated only having the mountains on one side of the town, although it makes directionally figuring out east and west super easy.  I do miss the blue ridge...and fall leaves that are vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow.  Apparently the aspens change here and are beautiful if you go out wherever it is that they are.... but just thinking of shades of yellow doesn't get me excited to go.

I love God's timing...what has put me in a place to have a particular conversation or see someone again.  I met someone from NOVA at church purely because the words "Northern Virginia" floated from her mouth to my ear as I was checking in for choir... an air force family that had just moved here from Burke, awesome!

I'd like to say that everything is super easy out here, but the things that are hard, are hard in good ways.  I am with a bunch of people that I hardly know, and we are learning each other's strengths and weaknesses, likes and humiliations.  I'm learning how to worship within the New Life Choir, i.e. 8 inches of space on rickety risers...although we are supposed to be getting new risers next week!  And I'm learning how to take all these amazing people I am meeting and establish friendships.  Colorado Springs is very small town among the young adults in that most know each other... yay for connections!

The Springs has cool things like this!
The next few months are going to fly by and before we all know it, I'll be home for Christmas (December 16).... even though I am so excited for the opportunities that God has put before me, there is a huge part of me that thinks of home and the people that mean home alot...and then I call up the fam and sing Wheels on the Bus with Nate for a while... that usually does the trick. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for entertaining Nate for a few minutes in Target. He didn't nap today and was extremely grumpy while shopping. On the bright side it only took him 4 minutes to fall asleep tonight!


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