Thursday, September 2, 2010

Week 1 Update

Whew! The first week of orientation is over and done.  Other than catching some services, we are free until our two day retreat Monday to Tuesday, I try not to think too much about what they could put us through in that amount of time...:o)

First of all, God is so good! I've been officially invited to stay with the Owens family, for which I am excited, it's felt a bit like home since I got here...even more since I realized that the kitchen cabinets are oak, the sink is white, the dining room is painted in blue tones with the lighter on top and dark on bottom....and many other little details that are just like the house back in Springfield.  It's hard to believe that less than a week ago, I arrived on their doorstep, suitcase in hand and a tired grin on my face...time flies.

Orientation has been great. Classes don't start until next wednesday, so up until now, it's mostly been business, going over rules, the purpose, some worship, and a very unique writing workshop.  We've been broken into small group teams and given tours of the New Life Church campus and the local Y, where we will be completing the "health and fitness" portion of the program, otherwise known as "workouts". :o)

I've made a few interesting friends (hard to imagine I know). One was a girl at the post office who didn't know that postage stamps were cheaper than regular stamps. We got to talking and she invited me to a bible study the next night.  She also asked me to find another NLSW student she had met, and I did.... washing hands in the bathroom the next morning.  We ended up going to the bible study and it was a great time of study, worship, and fellowship with a group of twenty to thirty high school and young adults, hosted at someone's house not too far down the road.

I think about all the steps it took to get here.  The doors that opened in front of me and the doors that slammed shut behind.  And then I think about how each and every student at New Life School of Worship went through that as well...and it amazes me that God is so powerful and unique in the way he works in each of our lives.  We went to the New Life Worship Ministry picnic tonight and I spent time mingling with choir and band members and worship students over hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, and cookies (so good!).  It is going to be an awesome nine months!


  1. SO SO happy to hear that things are going well! You deserve all the blessings in the world! Miss you and love you!

  2. Amy, where was that picture taken? It's great! I might want to stop there on my way out or back.


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